Goodtime Metro and Metro Mini Pies Now Have A 3 Star Health Rating
We know that kids and adults love the taste and comfort of a quality pie, but that it is desirable if they are eaten as part of an active lifestyle and well-balanced healthy diet.
The newly reformulated Metro Pie range fits the bill- it has been through a stringent testing process and has achieved the high standard 3 Star Health Rating, which is a well-recognised rating system that Kiwis know and trust.
There are 2 sizes available in the Metro range
- The Metro 170-gm range is suited to older kids and adults who need fuel to keep them going during the day. This range is available in 5 favourite flavours of Mince and Vegetable, Mince and Cheese, Steak and Cheese, Chicken and Vegetables and Potato Top.
- The Mini Metro range is 130 gms and is an easy to manage size and shape suited to younger kids with lower energy needs and smaller appetites. You can tempt the younger kids with popular Mince and Cheese and Mince and Vegetable flavours.
The Goodtime Pie Co. spent many months developing this range so that it still tastes like a pie should- full of flavour, delicious fillings and flaky pastry. They did it by
- Using lean beef and chicken which is an important source of protein and iron
- Using healthy fats essential for energy, and less unhealthy saturated fats.
- Reducing the sodium and sugar
- Reducing the kj per 100 gm which helps balance overall energy intake but still provides energy for active growing tweens and teens.
- Upping the amount of vegetables, legumes, fruit and soy to increase Dietary Fibre. Each pie contains at least 10% vegetables and fruit to help support 5+ a day fruit and vegetables.
- Being a bit sneaky and pureeing the veges to hide them so that kids are eating healthy without knowing it.
So, if you are interested in Helping Everyone Choose Healthier Food Options the Metro range is ideal – it is “The Tasty Pie That’s Better 4 U”
So, don’t delay give us a call on 0800 8636 287 or click here to get this fantastic range into your school tuck shop or café.